April 2016 - Sons & Daughters Orthodontics

Invisalign – The Quality Option for Today

Invisalign Irvine

When most people hear the word “braces” their thoughts immediately turn to the brackets and wires that you most often see on teenagers and children. For many, just the thought of having braces like this can be stressful and painful. While traditional braces can be very effective for some people, for others they can be very uncomfortable and the way that they look can be damaging to the self-esteem, making a person smile less and want to go out less often. Thankfully today there are alternatives to traditional braces that can be better for you. Getting your teeth straightened with clear aligners from Invisalign in Irvine from the right orthodontist that can be a much better fit for you. Invisalign clear aligners have a number of benefits, including:

  • A Better Look – Many children, teens and adults greatly prefer getting Invisalign because they are clear and undetectable by others. Invisalign trays are made of a clear material that goes over your teeth so that the only person that will know you are wearing them is you. You are able to get the benefit of braces helping to straighten the alignment of your teeth without having to deal with the typical wire braces people see. This can make you much more confident and smile more often.
  • Removable –Invisalign trays, unlike traditional braces, are completely removable. While you do need to wear them for a certain amount of time each day to get the most benefit from them, you can take them out when you are having meals or to brush your teeth. This makes both of those tasks much easier for you than regular braces do.
  • Less Frequent Visits – When you have traditional braces you are going to need to see your orthodontist regularly for adjustments to make sure everything is tightened properly and working. Invisalign trays do not need that kind of maintenance. You will be given several different sets of aligners to wear over time at different intervals so you will not have to return for visits as often.

Invisalign Irvine

Everyone is a candidate for orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, and it may be something you want to look into if you or a family member is in need of braces. Check with your orthodontist so you can have a proper evaluation and learn about all of the options available to you in terms of braces so you can see if Invisalign is right for you.
